Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Almost Over

The blogosphere seems a bit sleepy today! I think all of us are burned out from the constant electioneering by the media who are just reporting -- their slants.

Here we took the time off to get away into our safe backyard islands of self and family. It was a comfortable corduroy fall weekend -- just warm enough today to get outside, inside all the unraked leaves, and replace the TV and the telephones with the neighbor's barking shelties and the pond's honking ducks.

Hope all of you had a good weekend, too. It was a good 'take a long, deep breath' interlude. Tomorrow it's back to the crazy quilt stock market panic and another (thankfully the last full) week of politics before we vote. We are some kind of cool and tough people to put up with all this mess! Cross your fingers and say a prayer, maybe we're through the worst of it. At least we know the election is going to be over!!!

Um..oh, yeah, Acorn. Oh, well, I don't want another Florida and I haven't heard much of an appetite for that spectacle from anybody else, either. Maybe ... just maybe... the partisans on both sides will lower the volume and the real people of America who are overwhelmingly decent and honest will outnumber the lawyers that both sides have lined up!! And then we will have a new president elect ...and the stock market will settle down....uh...yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and Frank Capra is my hero. So let's get through next week and go to sleep after whatever decision there is on Nov. 4th. with visions of sugarplums ... and Jimmy Stewart going to Washington in our heads.

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