Wednesday, October 1, 2008

From Tea to a Pickle

I'm in one -- a pickle, that is. The thing is, I don't know what to do. I used to be a democrat until I moved to NE and found out that my dad wasn't crazy afterall when he ranted about socialism coloring the erstwhile rank and file. Yes, I knew Carter was a catastrophe. I had fallen for the bluejean populism bit a tad before we were all tying yellow ribbons on trees and wishing for January when Reagan would actually DO something and then well, somehow Reagan was just never really a republican to me. He was Reagan, although sometimes the 'Bedtime with Bonzo' aspect would peek out. He did do-in the Evil Empire.
Then Dukakis and poor Kitty. George the elder would never have answered that way. Barbara Bush was comforting and made plain vanilla appealing. The first Gulf War was short and we were in one big Coca Cola commercial with all the other countries singing along. OK, so he threw-up on the Japanese dude; coulda' happened to anybody but it somehow reminded me of how poor old Gerald Ford was always getting photographed falling and looking like a ditz in general. This was of course at the time when I still had no clue that the msm was constantly cycling their Orwellian tapes to their prayerful mantra"The medium is the message!" (Alot of us were slow on the uptake about that. I mean, photoshop didn't even exist then!)
So, everybody who watched Larry King found Ross Perot -- for about two months. Too bad. Time moved forward and Clinton moved center. I just couldn't swallow his what seemed to me to be a familiar old time southern snake oil salesman act. I did like that he was going to give the back of our collective democratic hand to China, though. Oh, well. I sure would like to know what changed his attitude. I mean I think his mind was still on the country then, or am I remiss in my The 'First Time Ever I Saw Your Dress' Lewinsky moment? Moving right along because I know what "is" is.
And then there was Bush.
He hooked me. He was like Reagan with a stutter. I mean, I have kids. The culture seemed to be going to hell and there was this Will Rogers acting guy ready to be a social conservative. I think it was during that campaign that I began to see some of msm's spin. During the hanging chad and subsequent business I drifted from CNN to CSpan. Hmmm. There seemed to be a difference in reality and perspective. I had always believed that news was really that -- news, honest reporting. Well, silly me. So, I'd tell my husband and he'd say that no, NPR agreed with CNN. Hmm. So we fussed until 9/11 when we were frantically searching for everybody else on those mornings when we awakened to find out that we had survived the night and that we hadn't yet suffered another attack and the anthrax was being contained, too. Where to find the most up to date and accurate news? Searching.. searching...Aha! There was something called FOX.
Well, I had found a media home through whose pro America window I could see to guard my country with my worries and my prayers. I held my breath when with the marines in Tora Bora, and cried that the devil got away to plan for another day. Yes, I realize that McLuhan is alive and well on that network, too, but he casts his shadow in opinion pieces. And life was somehow the 'new normal.' I thought Bush was great.
Not Iran?
But we're not through in Afghanistan I thought. And then,OK, you're keeping us safe and well if there's make it quick.
Hurrah! We won!
I yelled at my husband, "Who is the idiot letting the Iraqis keep their guns and letting them go and why don't we have enough troops and ..WHAT? And how long?" Well of course it got to be an important place. What about Afghanistan? Big, gigantic sigh for the loss. Certainly, Iraq's important now; we made it important.
So, here we are at another election...and it's bailout time, to boot.
I'm undecided.

Tea and Taxes

No bailout without representation! When was the last time your congressman asked you if you needed help with your monthly liquidity? I rest my mainstreet case for just now while I make a cup of tea and wonder if those present at the Boston Teaparty were as fed up am I am.