It is raining tears. My grandchildren, caught inside the spider's web until the court date, until Jesus saves. My son,cutting himself out of the cocooned strands, poison painfully draining away from his tired face, until the court date, until Jesus saves.
And I prayed, waiting for their freedom, trying to forgive the lies, trying to forgive the woman and her 'sister' accomplices who would flash the scarlet letter with self-pride dripping inside secular smirks.
But in the dark of night the oldest grandchild jumped up to investigate; awakened by suspicion and unfamiliar noise, she flew from her stuffed animal room into the hallway and saw the stranger.
But I pray and wait, heart pounding with the urge to call vengeance,but somehow holding my tongue, trying to give judgement over to God. Through the raining tears I know that there will be an end to the agony and Jesus will save.