Monday, June 8, 2009


God shows up in unexpected moments:
A thought heard in the wind of our own breathing
becomes answered prayer, as its meaning finds us --

dancing off sunlit tips from morning leaves,
singing in feathered joy in birdbath splashes,
beating inside the words of a song that won't leave our heads,

God comes to us through
the touch of our days in sight and sound--
His picture of All-That-Is, painted in moving light
                  for us;
His song, creation, playing a symphony of cosmic
                 for us.

Why is it that the grand story we are living,
         God's History in motion,
        is so easy for us to miss?

Is it the sameness of reliability,
    of  anchored reality?
Wrought from the greatest love,
is this earth He made Himself and gave us dominion over
too grand for our minds to hold onto in its power --
in the miraculous and interlocking beauties of life itself?

Are our senses dimmed by the lives we've made?
Is the Holy Spirit's whisper too soft, too gentle in tone,
against the demanding world with its pressure, its loud rush
for things -- for positions and possessions instead of relations?
Do the strident voices of 'Do it now! Have it all'
little by little, pressure by pressure, beat our
       battered hearts to stone?

     Those whispers from God, those sacred moments
when He's answering that question that we asked in prayer, do
we have time to hear it, to see the answer working in our lives?
Here's hoping -- here's praying -- as our bodily temples
are intersected by God's loving answers, that we find (as when
we were children still with innocent eyes to see and ears to hear)
our way back home to bird songs and wind, to pictures in clouds --
to angels in the sky -- to our real selves -- to hear God's whisper --
            to feel His love and to follow His will
     in the joys of our moments -- today and everyday.

  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6.