Thursday, July 2, 2009


I watched a war film last night with my husband and my son. As I saw the blood soaked ground, I thought of Cain -- of Abel. And I was sick with the sight of slaughter. I remembered that long black line of death in Washington, with names and flowers -- teddy bears and tear stained letters falling at its cold,mute foot -- Vietnam. And I wondered. Thousands of years and still we make the ground bleed with each others blood, cursing the earth, cursing ourselves inside our feet of clay. And then as I thought of Afganistan the roles switched. Cain was Abel and Abel was Cain. Our self defense, our family towers attacked. Not revenge, not testosterone adventures of men for glory and fame, but suvival. I will not worship idols or have my grandchildren wear burkas. Let us be honest for a change; we do not bow to Allah. Onward Christian Soldiers.

1 comment:

Carol said...

War is so sad and so ridiculous at the same time. Man's depravity against fellow man. Let there be peace---and let it begin with me........