Wednesday, August 26, 2015

deeda-zoomlens: Betrayal

deeda-zoomlens: Betrayal: Adam and Eve. Was the first sin pride, or was it betrayal slithering in, allowing the birth of narcissism -- the hard-heart of self-love a...


Adam and Eve. Was the first sin pride, or was it betrayal slithering in, allowing the birth of narcissism -- the hard-heart of self-love and the arrogant face of pride to be the two first born?

How it hurts, betrayal. It is said that you never have to worry about your enemies betraying you; it is only those you trust who have the key to that door. Since the ones you trust the most can hurt the deepest, it's a hard feeling to handle.  I don't think God was too happy with Adam and Eve; how He must have felt! The earth would crumble under that sigh. He didn't stop loving, though. He forgave.

What a lineage!

But we are born relational beings -- image bearers! That need to give and partake of loyalty and trust is spirit sewn, not touchable by mankind's fault.

In today's culture, honor and loyalty seem a way of the past. That's true in an ancient way; those traits are as deep as the first breath blown into man. Our subsequent actions and so our DNA opened the door to dishonor and betrayal -- time, tears and troubles BUT our awesome and always faithful, ever loyal Father never gave up on us -- sent His only begotten Son to save us from ourselves -- opening a timeless kingdom with no tears, no troubles and agape love.

That doesn't make the sadness go away now or the tears stop for us, but thinking about it helps. Forgiving helps, too. Let it go.