Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My head was still on the pillow this morning when I decided I was absolutely not going to be lured by Obama. I threw the covers off with a big whew-I'm-glad-that's-over sigh of relief but as soon as I visualized McCain, I flinched. I wonder how many other people out there are just like me.

Our daughter asked us to watch a video about Ralph Nader. I kept telling her we knew about Nader, but I guess she thinks we're too old and addled to figure things out the postmodern way. Unfortunately Nader is still Nader except that it appears his ego has grown abit and while he was a superlative advocate for consumer safety, I don't think I want him setting foreign policy.

Sigh. So, considering that Bob Barr reminds me of Mr. Potter and Nader won't do, that leads me back to Mr. Flimflam and Mr. Tunnel-vision. Drats.

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